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✔ Price: 16.80

Mit unserer Google-Bewertungskarte in einem schönen Bilderrahmen, sammelst du mühelos neue Kundenbewertungen, die das Ansehen deines Unternehmens stärken und deine Reichweite erweitern. Einfach an strategisch wichtigen Orten wie Theken, Rezeptionen oder Tischen platzieren – unser praktischer Tischaufsteller macht es kinderleicht.

Deine Vorteile auf einen Blick:
✓ Effiziente Bewertungserfassung: Nutze NFC und QR-Codes, um schnell und unkompliziert Kundenfeedback zu sammeln.
 Direkte Weiterleitung: Mit unserem NFC- und QR-Code-System wird der Kunde direkt zu einem gewünschten Link weitergeleitet – entweder auf eine Bewertungsseite wie Google oder Facebook oder auf Ihre eigene digitale Visitenkarte. Diese Visitenkarte kann alle wichtigen Links zu Ihrem Unternehmen anzeigen, wie etwa Links zu Social Media Profilen, Google-Bewertungen, Telefon, Adresse oder Google Maps.
 Bewertungen teilen und präsentieren: Verbessere dein Image und gewinne das Vertrauen potenzieller Kunden.
 Einmalige Anschaffung, langfristiger Nutzen:Ohne laufende Kosten – ein echter Gewinn für dein Unternehmen.
 Einfache Anwendung: Keine komplizierte Technik, keine zusätzlichen Apps erforderlich.
 Optimierung deiner Online-Rezensionen: Steigere die Qualität und Anzahl deiner Bewertungen, um deine Sichtbarkeit zu erhöhen.

Mit unserer Bewertungskarte erhöhst du mühelos die Anzahl und Qualität deiner Kundenbewertungen und sicherst dir so einen klaren Wettbewerbsvorteil.

Noch Fragen?
Schau dir unseren FAQ-Bereich an oder kontaktiere uns direkt per E-Mail.

Bitte beachten Sie:
Aufgrund unterschiedlicher Monitoreinstellungen und Drucktechniken kann das gelieferte Produkt in Farbe und Details geringfügig vom angezeigten Bild abweichen.

Die Versandkosten können nicht erstattet werden. Der Rückversand erfolgt auf eigene Kosten des Käufers.

Material: Acryl.

Maße (circa Angabe):
Klein: 100 x 150 mm   

Thu, 10 Oct 2024 15:14:07 +0200
Google Review NFC/ QR Code Picture Frame

✔ Price: 10.92

With our Google review card in a beautiful picture frame, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach.Simply place it at strategic points such as counters, receptions, or tables – our practical table display makes it easy.

Your benefits at a glance:
 Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
 Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
 Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
 One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
 Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
 Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Tue, 08 Oct 2024 15:57:12 +0200
Google Reviewcard NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 5.03

With our Google review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach. Simply place it at strategic points.

Your benefits at a glance:
 Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
 Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
 Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
 One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
 Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
 Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm

Tue, 08 Oct 2024 15:49:04 +0200
Facebook Reviewcard NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 5.03

With our Facebook review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach. Simply place it at strategic points.

Your benefits at a glance:
 Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
 Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
 Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
 One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
 Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
 Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm

Tue, 08 Oct 2024 15:34:48 +0200
Instagram Card NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 5.03

With our Instagram review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach. Simply place it at strategic points.

Your benefits at a glance:
 Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
 Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
 Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
 One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
 Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
 Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm

Fri, 27 Sep 2024 12:32:40 +0200
Instagram Card NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 5.03

With our Instagram review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach. Simply place it at strategic points.

Your benefits at a glance:
 Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
 Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
 Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
 One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
 Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
 Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Fri, 27 Sep 2024 12:26:06 +0200
TikTok Reviewcard NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 5.03

With our TikTok review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach. Simply place it at strategic points.

Your benefits at a glance:
Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Tue, 24 Sep 2024 15:47:37 +0200
TikTok Card NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 5.03

With our TikTok review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach.Simply place it at strategic points such as counters, receptions, or tables.

Your benefits at a glance:
Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Tue, 24 Sep 2024 15:01:59 +0200
Instagram Tabledisplay NFC + QR Code

✔ Price: 8.39

With our Instagram review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach.Simply place it at strategic points such as counters, receptions, or tables – our practical table display makes it easy.

Your benefits at a glance:
Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Tue, 24 Sep 2024 13:30:41 +0200
TikTok Tabledisplay NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 8.39

With our TikTok review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach. Simply place it at strategic points such as counters, receptions, or tables – our practical table display makes it easy.

Your benefits at a glance:
Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Tue, 24 Sep 2024 13:08:52 +0200
TikTok Tabledisplay NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 8.39

With our TikTok review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach. Simply place it at strategic points such as counters, receptions, or tables – our practical table display makes it easy.

Your benefits at a glance:
Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:30:11 +0200
Facebook Tabledisplay NFC/ QR Code

✔ Price: 8.39

With our Facebook review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach. Simply place it at strategic points such as counters, receptions, or tables – our practical table display makes it easy.

Your benefits at a glance:
Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:35:29 +0200
Instagram Tabledisplay NFC + QR Code

✔ Price: 8.39

With our Instagram review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach.Simply place it at strategic points such as counters, receptions, or tables – our practical table display makes it easy.

Your benefits at a glance:
Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:21:04 +0200
Google Tabledisplay NFC + QR Code

✔ Price: 8.39

With our Google review card, you effortlessly collect new customer reviews that boost your company's reputation and expand your reach.Simply place it at strategic points such as counters, receptions, or tables – our practical table display makes it easy.

Your benefits at a glance:
Efficient review collection: Use NFC and QR codes to quickly and easily gather customer feedback.  
Direct forwarding: Our NFC and QR code system directs the customer straight to a desired link – either to a review page like Google or Facebook, or to your own digital business card. This digital card can display all essential links to your company, such as social media profiles, Google reviews, phone, address, or Google Maps.  
Share and present reviews: Improve your image and gain the trust of potential customers.  
One-time purchase, long-term benefit: No recurring costs – a true asset to your business.  
Easy to use: No complicated technology or additional apps required.  
Optimize your online reviews: Increase the quality and quantity of your reviews to boost your visibility.

With our review card, you effortlessly increase the number and quality of your customer reviews, giving you a clear competitive advantage.

Any questions?
Check out our FAQ section or contact us directly via email.

Please note:
Due to different monitor settings and printing techniques, the delivered product may vary slightly in color and details from the displayed image.

Shipping costs are non-refundable. The return shipping is at the buyer's own expense.

Material: Acrylic  

Dimensions (approximate):
Small: 100 x 150 mm  
Medium: 150 x 200 mm  
Large: 200 x 300 mm  

Wed, 18 Sep 2024 12:20:14 +0200